The Magnet Source tm is owned by Master Magnetics Inc. ALL Magnetics is a nation-wide distributor located in California: A-L-L Magnetics, Inc. Founded in 1985
Today, we serve customers across the U.S. and abroad. Our large inventory and warehousing capability allows us to serve a wide range of customers with many types of applications. Currently, we have over 15 million magnets in stock. We have excellent resources for raw material magnets and the machinery to cut, grind and magnetize magnets to meet our customers applications. Our other manufacturing capabilities allow us to produce a wide variety of magnetic assemblies. ALL Magnetics Inc, is a "The Magnet Source tm" products distributor. The best manufacture of magnetic products and magnetic assemblies. The best magnet materials source for NdFeb, SmCo, Alnico, Ceramic, Flexible. |
A-L-L Magnetics Inc. 2831 Via Martens. Toll free 800-262-4638 |
Master Magnetics Inc. 1211 Atchison Court Toll free 866-867-0941 E-mail: |
Miami Magnet Company 781 Shotgun Road Toll Free 800-222-7846 E-mail: |